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Hits: 7418
Visitors: 8229
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Park, M., Jin, S. J., Hofstetter, R., Xu, M., Kang, B. H.. Science and Engineering Research Support Society (SERSC); 2009. Automatic colonic polyp detection by the mapping using regional unit sphere.
Hits: 2100
Visitors: 2412
Downloads: 0
Park, M., Jin, S. J., Hofstetter, R., Xu, M., Kang, B. H.. IEEE Computer Society; 2008. Automatic colonic polyp detection by the mapping using regional unit sphere.
Hits: 1997
Visitors: 2341
Downloads: 0
Mi, J., Xu, M., Antonia, R. A., Wang, J. J.. Springer; 2011. Thermal characteristics of the wake shear layers from a slightly heated circular cylinder.